The security community has discovered a new vulnerability in Microsoft SharePoint Server, dubbed "CVE-2024-26251." This vulnerability affects multiple versions of SharePoint Server and enables attackers to perform a successful spoofing attack. In this long-read post, we will dive deep into the details of this vulnerability and provide insights into how attackers can exploit it. We'll also look at the potential risk factors associated with this vulnerability and provide practical approaches to mitigate its impact.


CVE-2024-26251 targets Microsoft SharePoint Server, a widely used collaboration platform that facilitates secure sharing, storage, and management of documents and records for organizations. SharePoint is instrumental in driving productivity across various teams, making it a popular target for cybercriminals who desire to compromise sensitive data and sabotage organizations.

Vulnerability Details

The CVE-2024-26251 vulnerability enables attackers to perform a spoofing attack on vulnerable SharePoint Server installations. The vulnerability stems from a security flaw in SharePoint's web-based management interface, which does not adequately validate user-supplied data. This allows an attacker to inject malicious code into the system and masquerade as a legitimate user within the SharePoint environment.

Here's a code snippet that demonstrates the vulnerability in action

  /* Attacker's malicious JavaScript code */
  function performSpoofAttack() {
    // Exploit SharePoint vulnerability
    let spoofedData = "someData";
    // Send the spoofed data to the SharePoint server as a legitimate request
    $.post("/vulnerable_endpoint_path", spoofedData, function(response) {
      // Do something with the response (e.g., steal sensitive data)

Exploit Scenario

To exploit this vulnerability, an attacker could create a malicious website containing the exploit script, trick a user into visiting the site, and execute the script to perform a spoofing attack against a vulnerable SharePoint Server. As a result, the attacker can impersonate a legitimate user within the SharePoint environment and access sensitive information, modify records, or even execute arbitrary commands on the server.

Original References

1. Microsoft Security Advisory CVE-2024-26251
2. CVE-2024-26251 Reference on NIST National Vulnerability Database

Risk Factors

The risk factors associated with this vulnerability are significant. When left unaddressed, the vulnerability can lead to unauthorized access to sensitive information, manipulation or deletion of data, and potential privilege escalation depending on the attacker's motive. The potential impact of this vulnerability includes financial loss, reputational damage, and legal liabilities for organizations that rely on SharePoint Server for their data management needs.

Mitigation Measures

To protect your organization from the adverse impacts of this vulnerability, you should apply the following mitigation measures, as outlined by Microsoft:

1. Apply the latest patches: Microsoft has released security updates that address this vulnerability. You should install the latest updates for your specific SharePoint Server version to remediate the vulnerability. You can find the relevant update links in the Microsoft Security Advisory.

2. Implement Input Validation: Strictly enforce input validation in your SharePoint applications. This will help ensure that only trusted data can be processed by your system. You can implement input validation by using SharePoint's built-in capabilities or by employing third-party solutions.

3. Strengthen User Authentication: Enhance your SharePoint authentication mechanisms to decrease the likelihood of successful spoofing attacks. This includes implementing strong passwords, implementing multi-factor authentication (MFA), and regularly reviewing and updating user access privileges.

4. Educate Your Users: Train your employees on the importance of cybersecurity and the risks associated with vulnerabilities like CVE-2024-26251. Educate them about phishing attacks and best practices for identifying and reporting suspicious emails and links.


CVE-2024-26251 is a severe vulnerability that puts organizations at significant risk if left unaddressed. By understanding its exploitation methods, risks, and mitigation measures, you can safeguard your SharePoint Server environment against potential spoofing attacks. Be proactive in applying the necessary security updates and best practices outlined in this long-read post, and you can minimize the vulnerability's potential impact on your organization.


Published on: 04/09/2024 17:15:46 UTC
Last modified on: 04/10/2024 13:24:00 UTC