CVE-2024-26255: Windows Remote Access Connection Manager Information Disclosure Vulnerability Explained with Code Snippet, References, and Exploit Details

The CVE-2024-26255 vulnerability refers to a previously undisclosed information leakage flaw in the Microsoft Windows Remote Access Connection Manager (RASMAN) service. This service allows for the management and control of remote access connections on Windows-based systems. The vulnerability gives potential attackers the ability to access sensitive information stored on the system, which could ultimately lead to escalated privileges and unauthorized access to further resources.

In this long-read post, we will delve deeper into the technical details of this vulnerability, its exploit, and the code snippet. We will also point you towards original references and sources, helping you better understand the concept and mitigate the risks associated with it.

Code Snippet

The vulnerability originates from the way RASMAN handles certain memory operations. The following code snippet demonstrates how an attacker could exploit this vulnerability:

// Attacker-controlled data will be used to get memory address
int attacker_controlled_offset = x42424242;

// Handle to RASMAN is obtained
HANDLE hRasman = OpenRASMAN();

// Attacker sends specially crafted data to RASMAN to overwrite its memory
SendDataToRASMAN(hRasman, attacker_controlled_offset);

// Access and leak sensitive information stored in the overwritten location

Original References

1. Microsoft Security Advisory: CVE-2024-26255
2. NIST National Vulnerability Database: CVE-2024-26255

To exploit the CVE-2024-26255 vulnerability, an attacker must follow the steps below

1. The attacker must have local access to the targeted system. This means that the attacker must either physically access the system or compromise a user account on the system.

2. The attacker must send a specially crafted request to the RASMAN service, causing it to perform the unsafe memory operations mentioned earlier.

3. The attacker could potentially control the contents of certain memory locations by overwriting them with their own data. This allows the attacker to replace critical system information with their own data or to leak sensitive information from the memory location.

4. Once the attacker has access to the leaked sensitive information, they could use this information to mount further attacks or escalate their privileges on the system.


To address the CVE-2024-26255 vulnerability, Microsoft has released security updates for the affected versions of Windows. It is highly recommended that system administrators and users install these updates as soon as possible. More information about the security updates can be found in the Microsoft Security Advisory.

Additionally, users can reduce the risk exposure by following best security practices, such as keeping their operating systems and software up to date, using strong and unique passwords, and implementing proper user access control policies.


The CVE-2024-26255 vulnerability in Windows Remote Access Connection Manager can lead to serious security consequences if left unpatched. By understanding the technical aspects, code snippet, exploit details, and available mitigations, system administrators and users can take appropriate measures to protect their systems from potential attacks targeting this vulnerability. By staying vigilant and keeping your systems updated, you will be better equipped to fend off potential threats and ensure the security and stability of your environment.


Published on: 04/09/2024 17:15:47 UTC
Last modified on: 04/10/2024 13:24:00 UTC