CVE-2024-28000 - Incorrect Privilege Assignment in LiteSpeed Cache Leads to Privilege Escalation

A critical security vulnerability in LiteSpeed Technologies' LiteSpeed Cache has been identified. This vulnerability, designated as CVE-2024-28000, impacts versions of LiteSpeed Cache from 1.9 through 6.3..1 and is caused by an incorrect privilege assignment, potentially allowing an attacker to escalate their privileges within the affected system.

In this post, we will examine the details of this vulnerability, discuss potential attack scenarios, and provide guidance on how to mitigate the risk posed by this issue. Additionally, we will include code snippets and links to the original source material for further analysis.


LiteSpeed Cache is a high-performance caching solution developed by LiteSpeed Technologies. It is widely used in conjunction with LiteSpeed Web Server and OpenLiteSpeed as a mechanism for improving website performance and reducing server load.

Vulnerability Details

The CVE-2024-28000 vulnerability is a result of improper privilege assignment within the LiteSpeed Cache software. Specifically, the vulnerability exists because the software fails to properly restrict access to certain sensitive functionality, potentially allowing an attacker with low-level access to execute actions that should be reserved for users with higher privileges.

Exploit Scenario

An attacker with limited access to the targeted system, such as a standard user or a user with low-level administrative capabilities, could exploit this issue to escalate their privileges and gain control over the system.

The following code snippet demonstrates one way to exploit this issue

import requests

target = ""; # targeted LiteSpeed Cache server
payload = "malicious_payload_here"

# Send the crafted, malicious request to the target
response =, data=payload)

if response.status_code == 200:
    print("Exploit successful.")
    print("Exploit failed.")


As of writing this post, LiteSpeed Technologies has not released a patch for this vulnerability. Until a fix is available, users of LiteSpeed Cache should consider implementing the following measures to mitigate the risks associated with this issue:

1. Restrict access: Limit access to the affected application and system to only trusted users and establish strict access controls to prevent unauthorized individuals from accessing sensitive functionality.

2. Monitor for suspicious activity: Regularly review system logs and other monitoring tools for signs of unauthorized access or privilege escalation attempts.

3. Isolate the application: If possible, run LiteSpeed Cache on a dedicated server or container separate from other critical infrastructure to minimize the potential impact of a successful exploit.

4. Keep software up to date: Apply all updates and security patches available for LiteSpeed Cache and other related software as they become available.

5. Consider alternative caching solutions: If the risks associated with this vulnerability are deemed unacceptable, administrators might consider temporarily switching to an alternative caching solution until LiteSpeed Technologies releases a patch addressing this issue.


CVE-2024-28000 represents a significant security concern for users of LiteSpeed Cache versions 1.9 through 6.3..1. By understanding the technical details of this vulnerability and taking appropriate mitigating actions, administrators can help protect their systems from potential exploits.

Original References

- CVE Details
- LiteSpeed Technologies
- LiteSpeed Cache Documentation


Published on: 08/21/2024 14:15:08 UTC
Last modified on: 08/21/2024 16:06:23 UTC