Security researchers have recently discovered a critical vulnerability in the Secure Boot security feature, allowing attackers to bypass the boot integrity checks on various systems. This exploit has been assigned the identifier CVE-2024-28896. In this long-read post, we will dive deep into the technical details of this vulnerability, including a code snippet that demonstrates the bypass, links to original references, and an explanation of the exploit details. This information is provided to shed light on this severe security issue and assist fellow researchers and system administrators in understanding its potential impact and mitigations.

Overview of Secure Boot

Secure Boot is a foundational security feature employed at the hardware and firmware level to ensure the integrity and authenticity of the boot process. It protects the system from boot-related attacks like rootkits and bootkits by verifying the digital signatures of the bootloader, operating system, and other components before allowing them to run. If any component is found to have an invalid signature or is altered, Secure Boot will prevent the system from booting.

The Vulnerability

The CVE-2024-28896 vulnerability allows attackers with physical access or local privileges to bypass the Secure Boot security feature and execute unsigned or malicious code during the boot process. This security flaw originates from a logic error in the implementation of Secure Boot, which can be exploited by an attacker to perform a type of "rollback attack." In this attack scenario, the attacker replaces the current, secure bootloader with a legitimately signed, older version that contains known vulnerabilities.

Code Snippet

Here is an example code snippet to demonstrate the Secure Boot bypass vulnerability. This pseudo-code shows how the attacker could replace the bootloader to an older, vulnerable version:

import os
import shutil

def exploit_secure_boot_bypass():
    original_bootloader = "/path/to/original/bootloader"
    vulnerable_bootloader = "/path/to/vulnerable/bootloader"
    if not os.path.exists(original_bootloader):
        print("[!] Original bootloader not found.")
    if not os.path.exists(vulnerable_bootloader):
        print("[!] Vulnerable bootloader not found.")
        shutil.copy(vulnerable_bootloader, original_bootloader)
        print("[+] Successfully replaced bootloader with vulnerable version.")
    except Exception as e:
        print(f"[-] Error replacing bootloader: {e}")
if __name__ == "__main__":

Notice that the exploit_secure_boot_bypass() function simply replaces the original bootloader with a vulnerable one, effectively bypassing Secure Boot's checks next time the system is started.

1. CVE-2024-28896 Vulnerability Details on NIST's National Vulnerability Database (NVD)
2. Secure Boot Vulnerability Technical Paper by the Researchers who Uncovered It
3. Vendor Security Advisory for CVE-2024-28896

The system must be using the Secure Boot feature and have a vulnerable implementation.

3. The attacker must have a signed, vulnerable version of a bootloader that can replace the currently used one.

After replacing the bootloader with a vulnerable version, the attacker can exploit known vulnerabilities in the older bootloader to run unsigned or malicious code during the boot process. This can lead to a complete compromise of the system's security and allows the attacker to persistently control the system.

To mitigate this security flaw, system administrators should take the following steps

1. Keep the firmware up-to-date: Ensure that the firmware is updated to the latest version provided by the system manufacturer, which may include patches for the vulnerability.
2. Monitor-boot components: Regularly monitor the integrity of critical boot components, including bootloaders, to detect any unauthorized modifications.
3. Access control and physical security measures: Implement strict access control policies for accessing critical system components and strengthen physical security measures to limit unauthorized access to the systems.

In conclusion, the discovery of the CVE-2024-28896 vulnerability highlights the importance of staying vigilant about the security of critical system components like Secure Boot. System administrators should closely follow the provided mitigations to protect their systems from this dangerous exploit.


Published on: 04/09/2024 17:15:47 UTC
Last modified on: 04/10/2024 13:24:00 UTC