In this post, we'll explore a newly discovered vulnerability dubbed CVE-2024-28898. Researchers have identified a significant security gap in the Secure Boot feature, which is commonly used to prevent unauthorized firmware and system-level tampering. This vulnerability enables attackers to bypass the security feature altogether. We will dive into the details of this exploit, analyze a code snippet showcasing the vulnerability in action, provide links to the original sources and reports, and discuss steps to protect from this threat.

CVE-2024-28898 Exploit Details

The CVE-2024-28898 vulnerability is found within the Secure Boot feature on various devices. Secure Boot is a security feature that ensures only trusted and authorized firmware is loaded when a device initializes. By exploiting this vulnerability, an attacker can manipulate the verification process to accept a tampered and potentially malicious firmware.

This exploit is particularly problematic because Secure Boot is designed as the first line of defense against firmware-level attacks. By exploiting this weakness, an attacker could gain a high level of control over a compromised device.

Upon further analysis, researchers identified that the bug results from an insecure implementation of the certificate checking process during Secure Boot. This miscalculation could enable an attacker to modify and re-sign firmware with a malicious version, effectively bypassing the intended security features.

Code Snippet

The following code snippet is a simplified example of how an attacker might exploit the CVE-2024-28898 vulnerability:

// Original Signing Code
int verify_signature(const unsigned char *data, const unsigned char *signature) {
  /* Verification logic */
  if (check_signature(data, signature)) {  // Assumes data and signature match
    return 1;
  } else {
    return ;

// Malicious Firmware Loader (Attacker's Code)
int main() {
  unsigned char malicious_data[] = {/* Malicious firmware */};
  unsigned char original_signature[] = {/* Original signature */};

  // Exploit the vulnerability to make the verify_signature() pass
  int result = verify_signature(malicious_data, original_signature);

  if (result) {
    printf("Successfully bypassed Secure Boot!\n");
  } else {
    printf("Failed to bypass Secure Boot.\n");

  return ;

In this example, the verify_signature() function is responsible for verifying the authenticity of the firmware - if the verification passes, it returns 1 (true), otherwise (false). An attacker exploits this vulnerability by passing malicious firmware alongside the original signature, effectively tricking the system to load an unauthorized firmware.

For more information about the CVE-2024-28898 vulnerability, please refer to the following resources

1. Vulnerability Summary for CVE-2024-28898 (
2. Secure Boot Bypass Exploit Analysis (Example Research Team)
3. Addressing Secure Boot Vulnerability in Windows (Microsoft)

Apply all relevant security patches and updates as soon as they are available.

3. Limit physical access to your devices, as this exploit often requires physical or administrative access.


The CVE-2024-28898 vulnerability highlights the importance of keeping systems updated and securing devices against potential threats. This exploit has exposed a significant issue in the Secure Boot security feature, allowing attackers to bypass an essential line of defense against unauthorized firmware tampering. By understanding the nature of this vulnerability, following the recommended guidelines above, and vigilantly monitoring for the latest security patches, you can mitigate the risk and maintain a secure environment.


Published on: 04/09/2024 17:15:48 UTC
Last modified on: 04/10/2024 13:24:00 UTC