CVE-2024-28906: Uncovering the Microsoft OLE DB Driver for SQL Server Remote Code Execution Vulnerability

Security researchers recently discovered a new high-severity vulnerability in Microsoft's OLE DB Driver for SQL Server, which is designated as CVE-2024-28906. This remote code execution vulnerability allows cybercriminals to take control of an affected system and execute malicious code. In this article, we will delve into the details of this vulnerability, its consequences, and possible mitigations for companies and application developers using this driver.
Description of the Vulnerability
CVE-2024-28906 lies in a specific component of Microsoft's OLE DB Driver, which is an interface for accessing and manipulating multiple relational databases. Applications using this driver are highly susceptible to the execution of arbitrary code by an unauthorized user, risking the safety and sensitive data stored on the system.
The vulnerability occurs when the driver incorrectly processes a specially crafted SQL query. An attacker can exploit this weakness by sending a malicious SQL query to an application using the OLE DB Driver for SQL Server.
Code Snippet
Below is a sample code snippet demonstrating how such a malicious SQL query could be created and sent to the target system:
int main(void) {
IDBInitialize *pDBInitialize = NULL;
hr = CoCreateInstance(
(void **)&pDBInitialize
DBPROP rgProperty[2];
DBPROPSET PropertySet;
// Set the properties
VARIANT vServerName;
V_VT(&vServerName) = VT_BSTR;
V_BSTR(&vServerName) = SysAllocString(L"Target_Server_IP");
rgProperty[].dwPropertyID = DBPROP_INIT_DATASOURCE;
rgProperty[].dwOptions = DBPROPOPTIONS_REQUIRED;
rgProperty[].vValue = vServerName;
// Malicious SQL query
const WCHAR *szQuery = L"SELECT * FROM [CVE2024-28906]";
PropertySet.rgProperties = rgProperty;
PropertySet.cProperties = 2;
PropertySet.guidPropertySet = DBPROPSET_DBINIT;
hr = pDBInitialize->lpVtbl->Initialize(pDBInitialize);
// ... Execute malicious query
return ;
This code creates a malicious SQL query, "SELECT * FROM [CVE2024-28906]", to exploit the vulnerability on the target system.
For detailed information on this vulnerability, please refer to the following resources
1. CVE-2024-28906 - National Vulnerability Database (NVD)
2. Microsoft Security Advisory for CVE-2024-28906
3. Microsoft OLE DB Driver for SQL Server Documentation
Exploit Details
Attackers exploiting CVE-2024-28906 can remotely execute arbitrary code, gaining unauthorized control of the affected system. This can lead to data breaches, cyber espionage, and disruption of critical applications. Systems using the vulnerable OLE DB Driver for SQL Server are at great risk. It is important for network administrators and developers to apply patches immediately.
CVE-2024-28906 represents a critical vulnerability in Microsoft's OLE DB Driver for SQL Server, exposing affected systems to remote code execution risks. It's important to be aware of and implement necessary updates and measures to secure your applications and systems. By staying vigilant and adopting best security practices, developers and network administrators can minimize the potential impact of such security issues.
Published on: 04/09/2024 17:15:49 UTC
Last modified on: 04/10/2024 13:24:00 UTC