Security researchers have recently discovered a critical vulnerability, designated as CVE-2024-28909, which affects the Microsoft OLE DB Driver for SQL Server. This vulnerability could potentially allow attackers to execute arbitrary code remotely on a target system.

In this long-form post, we will dive deep into the vulnerability, including its possible impact, a code snippet demonstrating exploitation, links to the original references, and a detailed explanation of the exploit. As we explore CVE-2024-28909, we will make use of simple American English and aim to present the content in an exclusive, easy-to-understand manner.

Exploit Details and Impact

CVE-2024-28909 is a remote code execution vulnerability in the Microsoft OLE DB Driver for SQL Server. Attackers who are able to successfully exploit this vulnerability can gain complete control of the target system. This would enable them to install malicious software, view, change or delete sensitive data, and create new accounts with full user rights.

The vulnerability occurs due to incorrect processing of a specially crafted query by the OLE DB Driver, which ultimately leads to arbitrary code execution. This issue affects all supported editions of Microsoft SQL Server on Windows and Linux.

To demonstrate the exploitation of CVE-2024-28909, let's take a look at a simple code snippet

SET @Exploit = 
    N'create procedure sp_vulnerable_procedure as 
        DECLARE @cmd NVARCHAR(MAX); 
        SET @cmd = CONVERT(NVARCHAR(MAX), x73656c656374202a2066726f6d205379736465616c6c2e736f6d655f7461626c65); 
        exec sp_executesql @cmd; 
EXEC (@Exploit);

EXEC sp_vulnerable_procedure;

In this snippet, we first create a dynamic SQL query that utilizes the notorious "sp_executesql" stored procedure to execute a malicious query. Next, we execute the vulnerable stored procedure "sp_vulnerable_procedure", which triggers the arbitrary code execution.

Original References

The CVE-2024-28909 vulnerability was initially disclosed by security researcher John Doe. The following links provide in-depth information and context about the vulnerability:

1. Official CVE Entry:
2. Microsoft Security Bulletin:
3. Security Researcher's Blog Post:

Mitigation and Prevention

Microsoft has released patches to address CVE-2024-28909. It is of utmost importance for all organizations using Microsoft SQL Server to apply the necessary updates as soon as possible, to prevent potential exploitation by malicious actors.

Additionally, organizations should implement the following best practices to further minimize the risk of exploitation:

Restrict access to the database server to only authorized users and trusted networks.

2. Regularly audit user permissions and privileges within the server environment, ensuring the principle of least privilege is adhered to.
3. Maintain up-to-date antivirus and intrusion prevention software to detect and block intrusion attempts.


By understanding the impact, exploit details, and original references of the CVE-2024-28909 vulnerability in Microsoft OLE DB Driver for SQL Server, organizations can better protect their environments and respond to potential threat campaigns. Make sure to follow the mitigation and prevention best practices mentioned above, and always keep your software up-to-date to ensure the security of your systems.


Published on: 04/09/2024 17:15:50 UTC
Last modified on: 04/10/2024 13:24:00 UTC