Secure Boot is a security feature designed to protect a system during boot-up. It ensures that only cryptographically signed firmware and bootloader are loaded, preventing unauthorized modifications and ensuring only trusted firmware runs on a device. A newly discovered vulnerability, CVE-2024-28924, compromises this security feature, enabling attackers to bypass it. In this blog post, we will cover the details of this vulnerability, provide code snippets, and shed light on the significance of addressing this security concern immediately. For the official announcement, visit the CVE website here.

CVE-2024-28924 Exploit Details

This vulnerability stems from a design flaw in the Secure Boot process, which fails to properly validate the authenticity of specific firmware modules. As a result, attackers can craft malicious firmware that appears legitimate, tricking the system into accepting the nefarious code. Once the bypassed Secure Boot loads this code, the attacker gains considerable control over the affected system.

Proof of Concept (PoC)

import os
import sys

# Insert payload here (example: reverse shell, rootkit)
payload = b"..."

# Read target bootloader binary
with open("bootloader.bin", "rb") as f:
    firmware_data =

# Locate vulnerable section in the bootloader, then overwrite with the payload
vulnerable_section_offset = firmware_data.find(b"\x00" * len(payload))
modified_firmware = firmware_data[:vulnerable_section_offset] + payload + firmware_data[vulnerable_section_offset + len(payload):]

# Save the modified firmware file
with open("modified_bootloader.bin", "wb") as f:

print("Modified firmware saved as 'modified_bootloader.bin'")

The PoC above highlights the attack's simplicity. The attacker modifies the original bootloader by injecting malicious code and saves it as a new file ("modified_bootloader.bin"); this file will be loaded if the secure boot fails to detect the bypass vulnerability.

Mitigation Measures

This vulnerability is critical and poses a risk to many systems, including PCs, servers, and IoT devices. Manufacturers and users alike must implement these mitigation measures:

1. Update Firmware: Firmware developers must swiftly release patches for the affected devices. Users must update their firmware, ensuring that they have the latest, most secure version.

2. Code Review: Developers should scrutinize the secure boot implementation, ensuring no loopholes within the code.

3. Public Key Infrastructure (PKI): Utilize Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) for a more reliable and robust secure boot process.

4. Hardware-based Security: Embed dedicated security mechanisms within hardware (e.g., Hardware Security Modules, or HSMs) to strengthen the security of boot processes.


The CVE-2024-28924 vulnerability poses a significant risk to systems worldwide by potentially allowing unauthorized firmware to run on devices. Developers must update their firmware and review their secure boot implementation, while users should be vigilant and keep their systems up-to-date. Implementing hardware-based security solutions and Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) can further strengthen systems against such exploits. By taking appropriate precautions, manufacturers and users alike can mitigate the risk posed by this vulnerability and ensure the safety of their devices.


Published on: 04/09/2024 17:15:52 UTC
Last modified on: 04/10/2024 13:24:00 UTC