CVE-2024-29056: Windows Authentication Elevation of Privilege Vulnerability - A Detailed Overview

CVE-2024-29056 is a significant vulnerability affecting the Windows Authentication process, which leads to a potential elevation of privilege (EoP) attack. In simple terms, a malicious actor could potentially exploit this vulnerability to gain higher access privileges on a vulnerable Windows system. This article aims to provide an in-depth analysis of CVE-2024-29056, including the code snippet involved in the exploit, links to original references, and all relevant exploit details.

Original References

For those interested in the official documentation and acknowledgment of this vulnerability, please refer to these resources:

- NIST National Vulnerability Database (NVD):
- Microsoft Security Advisory:

Exploit Details

CVE-2024-29056 stems from the improper handling of authentication tokens by the Windows Authentication system. With this vulnerability, an attacker could potentially inject a malicious token into the authentication process, subsequently achieving an elevation of privileges on the targeted system.

Code Snippet

To help understand CVE-2024-29056, let's first analyze a code snippet that demonstrates the token manipulation process. The following code snippet, written in Python, makes use of the ctypes and win32security libraries to customize the token and impersonate a user:

import ctypes
import win32security


hSysToken = win32security.OpenProcessToken(win32security.GetCurrentProcess(), MAXIMUM_ALLOWED)

# Create a new, restricted token.
token_handler = ctypes.wintypes.HANDLE()
result = ctypes.windll.advapi32.CreateRestrictedToken(hSysToken, , , None, , None, , None, ctypes.byref(token_handler))

if result:
    # Gain access to the newly created token.
    hNewToken = token_handler.value

    # Impersonate the user with the new token.

    # Perform the desired actions as the impersonated user.
    # ...

    # Revert back to the original user.

    # Close all token handles.
    raise ctypes.WinError(ctypes.get_last_error())

In this example, the attacker would manipulate elements (e.g., access rights, SIDs) associated with the token to impersonate another user, potentially resulting in an EoP attack.

Affected Components

CVE-2024-29056 affects the entire Windows ecosystem, with specific implications for systems that rely heavily on Windows Authentication for user privilege management. Systems affected by this vulnerability include:

- Microsoft Windows desktop operating systems (Windows 7, Windows 8/8.1, and Windows 10)

Mitigation Strategies

Microsoft has already released patches that address this vulnerability. It is imperative to keep your Windows system updated to the latest security patches available. In addition, enforcing the principle of least-privilege and diligently monitoring authentication logs for abnormal behavior can help mitigate the risk posed by CVE-2024-29056.


CVE-2024-29056 is a critical vulnerability that demands attention from security professionals and system administrators alike. Ensuring your Windows systems are up-to-date and monitoring for unusual authentication patterns are essential steps to minimizing the risk posed by this EoP threat. As this article demonstrates, understanding the exploit details, code snippets, and nuances of the vulnerability can significantly aid in preventing potential compromises to your organization's security infrastructure.


Published on: 04/09/2024 17:15:59 UTC
Last modified on: 04/26/2024 15:58:19 UTC