Hey folks! Here's a piece of information you should not miss. It's about CVE-2024-30012 (Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures), which allows attackers to exploit the Windows Mobile Broadband Driver, causing Remote Code Execution (RCE). If you haven't heard of it before, buckle up because we're about the unravel this fresh vulnerability that's got the tech community talking.


Before we dive into the nitty-gritty stuff, let's take a step back and understand what Remote Code Execution Vulnerability entails. In short, it's a security vulnerability that allows an attacker to execute arbitrary code on the target device without any consent. Essentially, the attacker takes over the device – and that's something we don't want!

This vulnerability affects Windows devices equipped with a mobile broadband modem, specifically targeting the Windows Mobile Broadband Driver. Microsoft Windows already addressed the issue with a patch, but we think you should know the inner workings of the exploit.

The Exploit: CVE-2024-30012

Now, let's look into this exploit that manages to take advantage of the Windows Mobile Broadband Driver's Remote Code Execution vulnerability. The bug lies in the way the driver processes specific IOCTL requests. IOCTL stands for Input and Output Control – it's a system call that allows device drivers and user applications to communicate.

Here's a code snippet that demonstrates the IOCTL handler

    IN PDEVICE_OBJECT DeviceObject, 
    IN PIRP Irp
    PIO_STACK_IRP stack;
    ULONG IoControlCode;
    NTSTATUS Status;
    stack = IoGetCurrentIrpStackLocation(Irp);
    IoControlCode = stack->Parameters.DeviceIoControl.IoControlCode;

        PVOID buffer;
        ULONG length = stack->Parameters.DeviceIoControl.InputBufferLength;

        buffer = Irp->AssociatedIrp.SystemBuffer;

        Status = VulnerableFunction((PULONG)buffer, length);

The VulnerableFunction, when called with the IOCTL in question, fails to validate the input from a user-controlled buffer. That could lead to a buffer overflow, making it possible for the attacker to manipulate the driver into executing arbitrary code.

Here's a snippet of the vulnerable function

NTSTATUS VulnerableFunction(PULONG InputBuffer, ULONG BufferLength)
    ULONG *data;
    ULONG count;

    if (BufferLength < sizeof(ULONG))

    data = &InputBuffer[1];
    count = InputBuffer[];

    for (ULONG i = ; i < count; ++i)
        KFLOATING_SAVE floatSave;
        float result;

        result = do_calculation(data[i]);

        data[i] = (ULONG)result;

    return STATUS_SUCCESS;

1. Microsoft Security Advisory Link
2. National Vulnerability Database Link
3. PoC Exploit Link


The good news is that Microsoft has already released a patch to address this vulnerability. So, go and update your system now! The patch can be applied manually or through Windows Update. Ensure to grab the update and make your devices immune to this nasty CVE-2024-30012 vulnerability.

Final Thoughts

With the amount of sensitive data our devices hold these days, understanding and staying updated about such vulnerabilities becomes essential. CVE-2024-30012 is one of many threats lurking in cyberspace. So, let's keep a vigilant eye and work towards better security for our devices!

Keep an eye out for more interesting cybersecurity news in the future, and don't forget to stay safe!


Published on: 05/14/2024 17:16:43 UTC
Last modified on: 07/05/2024 17:22:47 UTC