In the ever-growing threat landscape surrounding the digital world, new vulnerabilities are constantly being identified in popular software products. Today, we're diving into CVE-2024-30057, a recently disclosed vulnerability that affects Microsoft Edge for iOS. This issue allows adversaries to spoof legitimate websites and trick users into thinking they are interacting with a genuine resource. In this extensive post, we will discuss the vulnerability's technical aspects, provide code snippets for better understanding, and highlight the original references. Read on to find out what you need to know about this latest digital pitfall.

What is CVE-2024-30057?

CVE-2024-30057 is a vulnerability that allows an attacker to fool Microsoft Edge for iOS users into thinking they are accessing a legitimate website. This deception is done by manipulating the browser into displaying a fake address bar. When exploited, the user's browsing history can be exposed, and sensitive data (e.g., login credentials, personal information) can be harvested by the attacker.

Technical Details

The vulnerability, classified as a spoofing vulnerability, is caused by a flaw in how Microsoft Edge processes certain web components. An attacker can exploit this weakness by creating a specially crafted website that, when loaded, makes the browser display a misleading address bar. The phony address bar will showcase a URL of a legitimate site, but any information entered by the user can be intercepted and manipulated by the attacker.

Here's a hypothetical code snippet to give you an idea of how an attacker may exploit this vulnerability:

<!DOCTYPE html>
  <title>Fake Website</title>
    function spoof() {
      / Spoofing code goes here /

    window.onload = function() {
      setTimeout(spoof, 500);
  <!-- Website content -->

In this example, when the fake website loads, the spoof() function is called after a predefined delay (5 seconds). The purpose of this delay is to give the user enough time for browser's security mechanisms to complete their checks. The malicious code within the spoof() function manipulates the browser into displaying a doctored address bar.

The documentation for this specific vulnerability can be found on the official CVE page

CVE-2024-30057 - Official Documentation

Exploit details, and proof of concept can be found in the following GitHub repository

GitHub Proof of Concept

Microsoft has acknowledged the vulnerability and addressed it in their security advisories

Microsoft Security Advisory CVE-2024-30057

Users of Microsoft Edge for iOS are advised to keep their browsers up to date to mitigate the risks associated with this vulnerability. Regularly check for available updates in the App Store and apply the patches as soon as possible. Additionally, users should exercise caution when browsing unfamiliar websites and entering sensitive information.

Closing Thoughts

The discovery of CVE-2024-30057 highlights the importance of staying vigilant when it comes to software security. As new vulnerabilities are continually emerging, it's crucial to understand their impacts and take appropriate action to ensure the safety of your digital assets. By staying informed and taking a proactive approach to software updates, you'll be well on your way to defending against potential cyber-attackers and protecting your valuable sensitive information.


Published on: 06/13/2024 20:15:12 UTC
Last modified on: 06/14/2024 18:20:37 UTC