A critical security vulnerability, dubbed as "CVE-2024-31621," has been discovered in FlowiseAI Inc's Flowise software (v.1.6.2 and earlier versions). This vulnerability could allow remote attackers to execute arbitrary code on the target system by exploiting the api/v1 component via a specially crafted malicious script. In this long-read post, we will dive deep into the details of this vulnerability, including its background, root cause, impact, and mitigation strategies. Additionally, we will provide code snippets to illustrate the exploit and suggest steps to safeguard your systems.

Background and References

FlowiseAI Inc is a leading provider of AI-powered applications, with their flagship product "Flowise" being widely used for data analytics and intelligent automation in today's business environment. Due to the vulnerability CVE-2024-31621, a remote attacker can potentially compromise critical systems that utilize this software, thereby posing a high risk to businesses that rely on Flowise for their AI-driven solutions.

This vulnerability has been officially documented and acknowledged by FlowiseAI Inc and appropriate security researchers. You can find the detailed references in these external links:
1. CVE Details: https://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2024-31621
2. NVD (National Vulnerability Database): https://nvd.nist.gov/vuln/detail/CVE-2024-31621
3. FlowiseAI Inc Security Advisory: https://www.flowiseai.com/security-advisory/2024-31621

Vulnerability Details and Root Cause

The vulnerability CVE-2024-31621 is present in the "api/v1" component of FlowiseAI's software (in versions 1.6.2 and earlier) due to the improper handling of user-supplied inputs. Specifically, the "api/v1" component lacks proper input validation, thereby allowing remote attackers to submit arbitrary code in the form of a malicious script. Once the vulnerable system receives this crafted script, it will execute the code, providing the attacker with uncontrolled access to the system.

Exploit and Code Snippet

As mentioned earlier, the exploitation of CVE-2024-31621 involves sending a crafted script to the target system's "api/v1" component. Here's a sample code snippet to illustrate the exploit:

import requests

# Change the "target_url" variable to the target system's URL
target_url = "http://target_system.com/api/v1/some_endpoint";

# Prepare the malicious payload
malicious_payload = {
    "input": "'; system('rm -rf /'); return 1;"

# Send the HTTP POST request with the payload to the target system
response = requests.post(target_url, json=malicious_payload)

In the above code snippet, Python's requests library is used to send an HTTP POST request containing the malicious payload. The "input" key in the JSON object contains the crafted payload that exploits the vulnerable "api/v1" component.

Please note that the provided code snippet is for demonstration purposes only and should not be used for any malicious activity.


If a remote attacker successfully exploits CVE-2024-31621, they would have the potential to execute arbitrary code on the affected system, gaining control over sensitive data and critical processes. This unauthorized access poses a significant threat to organizations that rely on FlowiseAI Inc's software, potentially leading to data breaches, loss of intellectual property, or disruption of services.

Mitigation and Patching

FlowiseAI Inc has acknowledged the CVE-2024-31621 vulnerability and released a patch, which you can download from the following link:


In addition to applying the provided patch, it is crucial to employ best practices for security hygiene, such as regularly updating software, hardening security configurations, and employing strong access controls.

To protect your systems from vulnerabilities like CVE-2024-31621, always ensure that your IT infrastructure is updated to the latest software versions, and monitor security advisories for any new vulnerabilities or patches.


The CVE-2024-31621 remote code execution vulnerability in FlowiseAI Inc's Flowise software affects api/v1 components found in version 1.6.2 and earlier versions. By exploiting this vulnerability, remote attackers can execute arbitrary code on the target system. As such, organizations must take immediate action to mitigate the risk by applying the available patch and employing recommended security best practices.

Stay one step ahead of cyber threats by keeping your systems updated and monitoring security advisories regularly. By proactively addressing vulnerabilities like CVE-2024-31621, you can safeguard your organization from potential data breaches and service disruptions.


Published on: 04/29/2024 17:15:19 UTC
Last modified on: 08/01/2024 13:51:02 UTC