CVE-2024-31990: A Comprehensive Analysis of the Argo CD Namespace Enforcing Vulnerability

As the adoption of Kubernetes continues to grow, GitOps-based tools such as Argo CD have gained traction for simplifying deployments. Argo CD provides a declarative solution for continuous delivery and makes it easy for DevOps teams to manage and monitor applications in Kubernetes environments. However, with this convenience also comes the potential for vulnerabilities. In this post, we will dive deep into CVE-2024-31990, a recently discovered vulnerability affecting Argo CD, and explore the potential risks, the fixes, and how to mitigate them.

Vulnerability Details

CVE-2024-31990 is a flaw present in Argo CD's API server that allows attackers to exploit a weakness in its permission enforcement. Specifically, the vulnerability stems from the improper enforcement of project sourceNamespaces, which enables unauthorized users to modify resources via the Argo CD UI. Ideally, these resources should only be mutable through the GitOps operation.

Version 2.10.7, Version 2.9.12, and Version 2.8.16 of Argo CD have resolved this vulnerability. Therefore, if you are using older versions of Argo CD, it is critical to update your system to the latest patched version.

Potential Impact

The potential impact of this vulnerability cannot be understated. As attackers can leverage this flaw to modify resources in the UI that should exclusively be mutable through gitops, it can compromise the integrity and security of your Kubernetes deployments. Depending on the attackers' intent, this could lead to service disruption, unauthorized access to sensitive data, or other undesirable outcomes.

Exploit Details

A proof-of-concept (PoC) exploit can be devised to illustrate the vulnerability. Suppose an attacker gains access to the Argo CD UI. In that case, they can use the UI to change the deployment's resource configuration without needing to go through the proper gitops workflow. The snippet below illustrates this breach:

kind: Application
  name: sample-application
  project: sample-project
    # Attacker can change this repository to their own
    path: kubernetes/config
    server: https://kubernetes.default.svc
    namespace: sample-namespace

In this example, the attacker could change the repoURL to point to their repository, ultimately causing Argo CD to deploy the attacker's specified resources.


- Argo CD's Official Vulnerability Announcement
- Argo CD's Security Advisory for CVE-2024-31990
- Argo CD's Project Source Namespaces Documentation

Fix and Mitigation

To address this vulnerability, it is essential to upgrade Argo CD to one of the patched versions: 2.10.7, 2.9.12, or 2.8.16. Details on upgrading can be found in the official documentation.

Additionally, to further protect against this and other potential vulnerabilities, users should consider following best practices for Argo CD deployments. These include:

Keep up-to-date with Argo CD security updates and announcements

By understanding the nature of CVE-2024-31990 and the associated risks, users of Argo CD can take proactive steps to secure their Kubernetes deployments. Implementing the updated versions of Argo CD and adhering to best practices will significantly reduce the vulnerability threat and ensure the continued reliable and secure management of your applications.


Published on: 04/15/2024 20:15:11 UTC
Last modified on: 06/04/2024 17:35:59 UTC