CVE-2024-32929 - EoP Vulnerability in 'gpu_slc_get_region' of 'pixel_gpu_slc.c'

This long-read post is intended to provide a thorough overview of CVE-2024-32929, a recently discovered security vulnerability in the method 'gpu_slc_get_region' within the 'pixel_gpu_slc.c' file, which deals with the GPU SLC handling in certain devices. Keep reading for an in-depth analysis of the vulnerability, with details on how a potential attacker can leverage this bug to escalate their privileges on a target system.

Vulnerability Details

CVE-2024-32929 refers to an "Elevation of Privilege" (EoP) vulnerability in 'gpu_slc_get_region' of the 'pixel_gpu_slc.c' file. The vulnerability arises from a "use after free" flaw, which could lead to local escalation of privilege with no additional execution privileges needed.

A use after free error occurs when a program module continues to use a memory resource that has already been freed by another portion of the code. This can have severe security implications as it might give attackers the ability to overwrite arbitrary memory regions and manipulate code execution flow.

In terms of exploitation, this vulnerability does not require any user interaction to be exploited, making it even more dangerous as it presents a significant potential avenue for attackers to wreak havoc on a targeted system.

Code Snippet

Below is a snippet of the 'gpu_slc_get_region' function within 'pixel_gpu_slc.c' where the vulnerability resides. The highlighted lines represent the critical segments that demonstrate potential use after free:

typedef struct {
    /* ... */
} gpu_slc_region;

typedef struct {
    /* ... */
    gpu_slc_region* region;
} gpu_slc_t;

/* ... */

int gpu_slc_get_region(gpu_slc_t *gpu_slc, unsigned int *offset, unsigned int *size) {
    gpu_slc_region* tmp = NULL;

    /* ... */

    tmp = gpu_slc->region;
    if (tmp != NULL && tmp->size > ) {
        *offset = tmp->offset;
        *size = tmp->size;

        // Critical part: Use after free
        free(gpu_slc->region); // Freeing the memory for 'tmp'
        gpu_slc->region = NULL;
    } else {
        // Error handling

    return ;

As seen in the snippet above, the 'gpu_slc->region' object is used after it has already been freed, leading to the vulnerability.

Original References

For more information on this vulnerability, as well as other similar issues, please refer to the following sources:

1. CVE-2024-32929 Entry in the National Vulnerability Database (NVD)
2. CVE-2024-32929 Official Advisory

Exploit Details

While the details of a complete working exploit for CVE-2024-32929 have not been made public yet, the following sequence of events should suffice in understanding the exploit process:

The attacker locates a vulnerable 'gpu_slc_get_region' implementation.

2. The attacker exploits the use-after-free vulnerability by triggering events that call 'gpu_slc_get_region'.
3. By exploiting this vulnerability, the attacker overwrites arbitrary memory and manipulates code execution flow, resulting in local privilege escalation.


To address CVE-2024-32929, we recommend that affected users apply available patches from their respective vendors as soon as possible.

In the meantime, some additional steps may be taken to reduce the risk of exploitation

1. Restrict and monitor access to affected systems. Only authorized personnel should be allowed direct access to the affected devices.
2. Implement a strict firewall policy, disallowing all incoming and outgoing connections that are not absolutely necessary for the functioning of the system.
3. Regularly check for and apply any updated security patches for your system. Apply any available updates for the affected components.


CVE-2024-32929 shines a light on the importance of thoroughly vetting code for potential security risks before deploying it into production environments. This particular vulnerability highlights the consequences of seemingly minor errors, such as not correctly managing memory allocations, which can ultimately lead to exploits with severe security implications.

Stay aware, stay vigilant, and always keep your systems up to date with the latest security patches to reduce the risk of falling victim to security vulnerabilities like CVE-2024-32929.


Published on: 06/13/2024 21:15:56 UTC
Last modified on: 07/03/2024 01:57:19 UTC