CVE-2024-35086 highlights a critical SQL injection vulnerability found in the popular open-source Java web framework, J2EEFAST v2.7.. The security flaw is identified in the findPage function of the BpmTaskFromMapper.xml file. In this blog post, we will dive deep into the details of the vulnerability, including how it occurs, how attackers can exploit it, and crucial steps you can take to mitigate the risks associated with it. We will also provide code snippets and original references for a deeper understanding of the vulnerability.

The Vulnerability - SQL Injection in findPage Function

An SQL injection vulnerability arises when an attacker can input malicious SQL code into a web application to manipulate or query the underlying database. In the case of CVE-2024-35086, the vulnerability exists in J2EEFAST v2.7. within the BpmTaskFromMapper.xml file. The affected function, findPage, does not adequately sanitize and validate user input, allowing an attacker to inject malicious SQL code.

In BpmTaskFromMapper.xml, the vulnerability can be found in the following code snippet

<select id="findPage" resultMap="BaseResultMap" parameterType="java.util.Map">
    SELECT <include refid="Base_Column_List" />
    FROM bpm_task_from
    WHERE (id = #{id,jdbcType=BIGINT} or ... )

Notice that user input is directly passed into the SQL query without sufficient sanitization and validation (WHERE (id = #{id,jdbcType=BIGINT} or ... )). This lapse creates a loophole that allows attackers to exploit the SQL injection vulnerability.

Exploiting the Vulnerability

To understand how an attacker could exploit the vulnerability, here's an example of an injected payload:

1' OR '1'='1

With this payload, the attacker alters the original SQL query to always return true, allowing unauthorized access to sensitive information stored in the database. Depending on the specific SQL injection, attackers could cause information leaks, bypass authentication, or change and delete essential data.

Original References

Researchers who discovered this vulnerability have documented their findings on various platforms. For additional information, please refer to the following resources:

1. CVE Details - CVE-2024-35086
2. NVD - CVE-2024-35086 Vulnerability Details
3. J2EEFAST v2.7. SQL Injection Vulnerability

Mitigating the Vulnerability

The first and most critical step in mitigating this SQL injection vulnerability is to update the J2EEFAST framework to the latest version. The latest release addresses these security concerns, and as a general rule, it is always good practice to stay up-to-date with the latest version of any software component. Additionally, developers should use prepared statements and parameterized queries when dealing with user input. This approach helps prevent potential SQL injections by adequately validating and sanitizing user data objects.


CVE-2024-35086 exposes a dangerous SQL injection vulnerability affecting the J2EEFAST v2.7. framework, highlighting the importance of addressing potential security weaknesses in both open-source and proprietary software. As a best practice to ensure application security, developers should always use parameterized queries, sanitize user input, and keep software updated.


Published on: 05/23/2024 17:15:30 UTC
Last modified on: 08/02/2024 03:07:46 UTC