CVE-2024-35090: Exploring the SQL Injection Vulnerability in J2EEFAST v2.7. with Code Snippets, Original References, and Exploit Details

CVE-2024-35090 is a recently identified critical security vulnerability in J2EEFAST v2.7.. The vulnerability exposes the system to SQL injection attacks via the findPage function utilized in SysUreportFileMapper.xml. SQL injection is a prevalent web application security flaw that allows unauthorized users to execute malicious SQL commands on a target system, potentially compromising the integrity and confidentiality of the application data. In this long-read post, we will delve into the details of CVE-2024-35090, including a code snippet that highlights the vulnerability, key references that explain its origin, and information on exploiting this vulnerability.

Code Snippet

The code snippet below demonstrates the SQL injection vulnerability in the findPage function within SysUreportFileMapper.xml:

<sql id="Base_Column_List" >
   id, name, content, create_time, create_user, update_time, version, del_flag 

<select id="findPage" resultMap="BaseResultMap" parameterType="com.j2eefast.framework.utils.PageUtil.Page">
   <include refid="Base_Column_List" />
   FROM sys_ureport_file
   WHERE del_flag = 
   <if test="params.filterSql != null and params.filterSql != ''">
      <![CDATA[ AND ( 1=1 ${params.filterSql}) ]]>

In the code snippet above, the problem occurs when the parameter for the params.filterSql is not sanitized or validated when injected into the SQL query. As a result, a malicious user can potentially input an SQL command that compromises the target system.

For more information about CVE-2024-35090, please refer to the following original references

1. CVE Details:
2. National Vulnerability Database (NVD):

Exploit Details

To exploit the vulnerability, the attacker can target the findPage function by inserting a malicious SQL statement as a value for the params.filterSql parameter. As shown in the code snippet earlier, there is a lack of proper validation and sanitation of the parameter input. This allows a malicious SQL command to be executed on the target system, potentially leading to data compromise, unauthorized access to sensitive information, or even taking control of the application.

To prevent this vulnerability from being exploited, it is essential to implement proper input validation and sanitation methods in the findPage function, ensuring that the params.filterSql parameter does not accept any malicious or invalid SQL statements. Moreover, it is crucial to regularly update the J2EEFAST application to ensure that all existing vulnerabilities are patched and addressed.

In conclusion, CVE-2024-35090 is a critical security vulnerability that affects J2EEFAST v2.7., allowing for potential SQL injection attacks via the findPage function implemented in SysUreportFileMapper.xml. By understanding the code snippet that demonstrates the vulnerability, referring to original sources that provide further information, and acknowledging the exploit details, developers and users of J2EEFAST can ensure that their systems are protected against potential attacks.


Published on: 05/23/2024 17:15:31 UTC
Last modified on: 08/07/2024 20:35:18 UTC