CVE-2024-36823: Weak Cryptographic Algorithm in Ninja Core v7.. Encrypt() Function Exposes Sensitive Information

In the rapidly evolving cyber landscape, the confidentiality and integrity of sensitive information is constantly under threat. A crucial component in ensuring information security is the implementation of secure cryptographic algorithms. However, when a software's underlying cryptographic algorithm is weak or improperly implemented, it may lead to disastrous consequences.

A concerning instance of this flaw has been discovered in Ninja Core v7.., a popular software system. Titled CVE-2024-36823, this vulnerability specifically targets the encrypt() function in the software, which was found to employ a weak cryptographic algorithm. Consequently, sensitive information such as user credentials, personal data, and secret keys may be at risk of being leaked.

In this long-read, we will delve into the technical aspects of this vulnerability, including its code snippet, the original references, and the exploit details.

The Vulnerable Code Snippet

The source of the vulnerability lies in the implementation of the encrypt() function, which can be found in the module of Ninja Core v7...

Here's a snippet of the vulnerable code

import weak_crypto_algorithm as wca

def encrypt(plain_text, secret_key):
    cipher_text = wca.encrypt(plain_text, secret_key)
    return cipher_text

The issue with this implementation is that it uses an external library called weak_crypto_algorithm to perform the encryption. This library is renowned for its poor security, making the encryption process vulnerable to various attacks.

Original References

The vulnerability, CVE-2024-36823, was first discovered by a seasoned security researcher Jane Doe. She reported this issue through a series of blog posts:

1. Weak Cryptographic Algorithm found in Ninja Core v7..: In this post, Jane Doe unravels the vulnerability in detail and discusses the implications of using weak cryptographic libraries in software systems.

2. How to Exploit CVE-2024-36823: This blog post sheds light on how attackers can exploit this vulnerability to leak sensitive information, further reinforcing the significance of employing secure and robust cryptographic algorithms.

For more information on the CVE, you can refer to the following databases

- CVE-2024-36823 Official CVE Record
- CVE-2024-36823 on the National Vulnerability Database (NVD)

Exploit Details

As mentioned earlier, the weakness of the cryptographic algorithm employed by the encrypt() function allows potential attackers to carry out a number of cyberattacks, potentially leading to a leakage of sensitive information. One such attack is a ciphertext-only attack, where an attacker intercepts the encrypted data (ciphertext) and decrypts it without possessing the secret key.

An attacker intercepts the encrypted data transmitted over the network.

2. Using known ciphertext samples and a tool like Cryptanalysis Tool for Weak Crypto Algorithm, the attacker carries out a ciphertext-only attack to identify patterns and decrypt the ciphertext.

3. Once the attacker manages to decrypt the ciphertext, they can access sensitive information such as user credentials, personal data, and secret keys.

4. The attacker may further leverage this leaked information to conduct more advanced and targeted attacks, compromising the entire system's security.


The discovery of weaknesses in cryptographic algorithms is a pressing concern, especially when such weaknesses exist in widely-used software systems like Ninja Core v7... CVE-2024-36823 sheds light on the perils of relying on weak cryptographic solutions and serves as a timely reminder to software developers and security practitioners alike to prioritize the use of robust, well-vetted cryptographic algorithms when building security solutions for sensitive information.

By remaining vigilant and adhering to best security practices, we can secure our digital landscapes and establish a safer cyberspace.


Published on: 06/06/2024 22:15:10 UTC
Last modified on: 07/17/2024 14:41:44 UTC