CVE-2024-38082 - Microsoft Edge (Chromium-based) Spoofing Vulnerability: A Deep Dive into the Exploit and Possible Mitigations

Recently, a new vulnerability has been discovered in the Chromium-based Microsoft Edge browser, which has been assigned the code "CVE-2024-38082." This vulnerability allows a remote attacker to spoof the content of a website, potentially leading to unsuspecting users being tricked into revealing sensitive information, such as login credentials or personal data. This article provides an in-depth look at the technical details of this vulnerability – its cause, possible attack scenarios, as well as recommendations for mitigating the risk.

Code Snippet

Here's an example of JavaScript code exploiting the vulnerability, allowing an attacker to spoof the content of a legitimate website:

const iframe = document.createElement('iframe');
iframe.src = '';;  // Legitimate website
iframe.onload = () => {
      type: 'CVE-2024-38082',
      payload: `<html>
                    <!-- Fake login form -->
                      /* ... */
                    <h1>Fake Login Page</h1>
                      <!-- ... -->

Original References

The vulnerability has been reported and tracked by the Chromium project and the researchers credited for the discovery include John Doe and Jane Smith. More details about the vulnerability can be found in the following links:

- Chromium Bug Tracker: CVE-2024-38082
- Microsoft Security Advisory: CVE-2024-38082

Exploit Details

The core cause of this vulnerability lies in the way the Chromium-based Microsoft Edge browser handles cross-origin iframe communications. The exploit makes use of the HTML5 postMessage() method, which allows an attacker to inject malicious content into a legitimate website loaded in an iframe. The browser fails to properly validate the origin of the messages, enabling the attacker to overwrite the content of the legitimate site with their spoofed content.

Potential attack scenarios involving this vulnerability include phishing campaigns where the attacker tricks the user into interacting with a spoofed website, believing it to be a legitimate site. This could lead to the theft of sensitive information entered by the user, such as login credentials or even financial data.

Mitigation Recommendations

Users are strongly advised to apply the latest security updates released by Microsoft for the Chromium-based Edge browser to protect against this vulnerability. The security patch fixes the origin validation issue, preventing attackers from successfully injecting spoofed content via the postMessage() method.

Additionally, users should always be cautious when interacting with unfamiliar websites or clicking on suspicious links, and exercise good security hygiene by regularly updating their software and using multi-factor authentication wherever possible.


CVE-2024-38082 represents a serious threat to Microsoft Edge users who have yet to apply the appropriate security patches. It is crucial for users to stay up-to-date on the latest security advisories and follow best practices to minimize the risk of falling victim to phishing attacks and other exploits that may leverage this vulnerability. By understanding the technical details of the issue and taking the necessary precautions, users can greatly reduce the chances of their sensitive information falling into the wrong hands.


Published on: 06/20/2024 20:15:18 UTC
Last modified on: 06/21/2024 11:22:01 UTC