CVE-2024-38083: Unmasking the Microsoft Edge (Chromium-based) Spoofing Vulnerability - How It Works, and What Can Be Done

The tech world is no stranger to online threats and vulnerabilities, as cybercriminals are constantly searching for ways to exploit and gain unauthorized access to sensitive data. One such vulnerability discovered recently is the CVE-2024-38083, a spoofing vulnerability that specifically targets Microsoft Edge, the Chromium-based web browser. In this comprehensive post, we will delve into the details of this vulnerability - its implications, how it functions, references to the original sources, code snippets for better understanding, and methods to overcome this exploit. So, if you're a security enthusiast or an IT professional looking for more information on CVE-2024-38083, keep reading.

Understanding CVE-2024-38083

CVE-2024-38083 is a vulnerability that revolves around the concept of 'spoofing.' In simple terms, spoofing is a malicious technique where an attacker disguises themselves as a trusted source or mimics communication from a legitimate system. In this case, the attacker crafts a deceptive URL that appears to belong to a legitimate website in Microsoft Edge.

Exploit Details

This particular vulnerability exists due to the improper handling of certain features in Microsoft Edge – more specifically, in the browser's address bar. When targeted, this vulnerability allows cybercriminals to tamper with the contents displayed on the web browser's address bar, which might trick an unsuspecting user into visiting a malicious website or inadvertently sharing sensitive information.

They entice the victim to click on the deceptive URL, which appears to be from a trustworthy source.

3. The victim, believing that they are on the authentic website, inadvertently shares personal information or downloads malware, granting the attacker unauthorized access to their system.

Code Snippet

For a better understanding of how this vulnerability works, here's a simplified code snippet demonstrating the crafty URL structure that allows the attacker to spoof the address bar in Microsoft Edge:

<!DOCTYPE html>
  function triggerSpoof() {'';, '_blank');
  <button onclick="triggerSpoof()">Click to trigger the spoof</button>

When the victim clicks on the 'Click to trigger the spoof' button, it opens a new window with the deceptive URL. Although the actual domain in the URL is '', the address bar displays ',' tricking the user into believing they are on a completely different website.

1. NVD - CVE-2024-38083: National Vulnerability Database (NVD) entry features details on the CVE-2024-38083, including its impact, severity, and technical aspects.
2. Microsoft Security Response Center: Microsoft's official response center showcasing comprehensive information on the CVE-2024-38083 vulnerability and the necessary mitigations.

Mitigating the Vulnerability

Microsoft has released an update to address this vulnerability, stating, "To exploit the vulnerability, an attacker could craft a webpage with a deceptive URL to trick victims into visiting. However, an attacker would have to convince a victim to click a link to the attacker's deceptive website or to view an email or other message containing a link to the deceptive website."

To protect yourself and your users from this spoofing vulnerability, it is critical that you update your Microsoft Edge browser to the latest version. Additionally, practicing caution when clicking links or visiting unfamiliar websites will also lessen the chances of falling prey to such attacks.

In conclusion, CVE-2024-38083 is an alarming vulnerability that poses a significant threat to Microsoft Edge users. However, remaining vigilant, verifying links before clicking, and frequently updating your software will reduce the risks associated with this exploit.


Published on: 06/13/2024 20:15:15 UTC
Last modified on: 06/13/2024 20:35:05 UTC