In this long read, we will discuss CVE-2024-38093, a newly discovered vulnerability affecting Microsoft Edge, the Chromium-based web browser developed by Microsoft. This security flaw could allow an attacker to create a fake website with a misleading URL; a technique known as spoofing. We'll go into depth on the exploit details, how it can be abused, and what you can do to protect yourself against this vulnerability.

Background on CVE-2024-38093

CVE-2024-38093 is a reported vulnerability in Microsoft Edge that belongs to a type of security exploit known as spoofing. In simple terms, spoofing refers to disguising one entity as another (in this case, a website URL). This vulnerability allows an attacker to manipulate URLs displayed in the address bar of Microsoft Edge, making it appear as though users are visiting a legitimate website, when in reality, they are interacting with a malicious site created by the attacker.

The Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVE) identifier for this issue (CVE-2024-38093) can be found in the official CVE database: CVE-2024-38093.

Understanding the Exploit Details

This vulnerability exploits a weakness in Microsoft Edge’s handling of certain URL encoding. By using specially crafted URLs, an attacker can make the Microsoft Edge address bar display a false website address. The victim might believe that they are visiting a legitimate site, but in reality, they are accessing the attacker's malicious site, which may be designed to phish sensitive information or deliver malware.

For example, let's assume that the adversary wants to create a spoofed URL that looks like but actually redirects to a deceptive phishing website hosted at The attacker could use a malicious URL such as:

However, the browser would load content from the malicious domain ( In this case, the "%00" is a URL-encoded null byte that effectively hides the true domain that follows. This code snippet demonstrates the vulnerability that allows URL spoofing in Microsoft Edge.

Mitigating the Risk and Safeguarding your Browser

Microsoft has released a security update to address this vulnerability, which can be found in their Security Update Guide: Microsoft Edge CVE-2024-38093 Spoofing Vulnerability. Users should update their Microsoft Edge browser to the latest version to ensure that this vulnerability is patched.

In addition to applying security updates, users should practice safe browsing habits to protect themselves from potential spoofing attacks:

1. Be cautious when clicking on links from unknown sources or unexpected messages, especially if the URL is shortened or obfuscated. Hovering over the link can reveal the true destination in the form of a tooltip.
2. Verify that the website you are visiting has a valid SSL certificate. A padlock icon in the address bar indicates that your connection to the website is secure and the site identity has been verified by a trusted Certificate Authority.
3. Use strong, unique passwords across different websites and enable two-factor authentication (2FA) when available.


Overall, CVE-2024-38093 poses a significant risk as it can enable attackers to deceive users and potentially steal sensitive information or spread malware. As a user, it is crucial to remain vigilant when browsing the web and exercise caution when visiting unfamiliar websites. By keeping your browser updated, following good cybersecurity practices, and staying informed on security vulnerabilities like CVE-2024-38093, you will be better prepared to defend yourself against threats in the ever-evolving digital landscape.


Published on: 06/20/2024 20:15:18 UTC
Last modified on: 06/21/2024 13:59:18 UTC