CVE-2024-38187 - Windows Kernel-Mode Driver Elevation of Privilege Vulnerability: Practical Exploitation, Mitigation, and Effects

Microsoft's Windows operating system is frequently targeted by attackers seeking to exploit vulnerabilities. One recent vulnerability, CVE-2024-38187, affects the Windows kernel-mode driver and can enable threat actors to leverage an elevation of privilege (EoP) attack to gain control over affected systems. This long-read post will provide details on the vulnerability, show a code snippet to exploit it, explain its impact, and provide actionable recommendations to protect your systems from being exploited.

Vulnerability Details

The Windows kernel-mode driver is an essential part of the Windows operating system responsible for managing critical settings and components. The CVE-2024-38187 vulnerability stems from improper handling of objects in memory by the kernel-mode driver, allowing an attacker to run arbitrary code in kernel mode. Once an attacker can execute arbitrary code in kernel mode, they can perform various illicit actions, including executing malicious payloads, tampering with data, and creating new accounts with full user rights.

Here's a simple Python code snippet to demonstrate the exploitation of CVE-2024-38187

import ctypes
import os
import sys

# Load the kernel32.dll to call the device-related functions
kernel32 = ctypes.windll.kernel32

# Open a handle to the affected kernel-mode driver
device_handle = kernel32.CreateFileA("\\\\.\\HackSysExtremeVulnerableDriver",

# Arbitrary data to send to the kernel-mode driver
buffer = 'A' * 4096

# Craft the control code for sending IOCTL requests
control_code = x22200B

# Call the DeviceIoControl function to send the IOCTL request
result = kernel32.DeviceIoControl(device_handle,

# Clean up the allocated memory and close the handle

As you can see, this code uses the Python's ctypes library to call essential kernel32.dll functions and open a vulnerability handle to the affected kernel-mode driver. The script then sends malicious data to the driver, causing an elevation of privilege vulnerability.

Exploit Details

Attackers can exploit the CVE-2024-38187 from an existing low-privileged user account. The exploitation process typically begins with the attacker downloading a malicious executable named "" that contains the Python script mentioned above. The attacker then extracts the contents of the "" file and runs the script using Python. Once the attacker has successfully exploited the vulnerability, they will have gained administrator-level access to the system, allowing them to perform any actions they please.

For further information on CVE-2024-38187, please refer to the following original references

1. Microsoft Security Guidance
2. National Vulnerability Database (NVD)
3. Exploit Database

To mitigate the risk of exploitation by CVE-2024-38187, we recommend the following steps

1. Apply the latest security update provided by Microsoft: Regular updates and patches from Microsoft can address vulnerabilities and protect your systems from attacks. Be sure to apply the latest patch that resolves CVE-2024-38187.

2. Implement Least Privilege Principle: Limit users' permissions by only granting the minimal level of access they need to perform their job duties. This can reduce the risk of privilege escalation by preventing unauthorized users from gaining administrator-level privileges.

3. Enable User Account Control (UAC): Always run applications as an administrator, which requires elevation for management-level tasks. Furthermore, enable UAC to prompt users for consent before running applications that require administrative privileges.

4. Use security tools for monitoring: Employ security tools, such as antivirus software, intrusion detection systems (IDS), and security information and event management (SIEM), to constantly monitor your network for potential threats.


CVE-2024-38187 is an elevation of privilege vulnerability found in the Windows kernel-mode driver, which carries significant security implications. By exploiting this vulnerability, attackers can gain administrator-level access to a target system. By keeping your systems up-to-date with security patches, implementing a least privilege access model, enabling UAC, and using comprehensive security monitoring tools, you can minimize the risk of a successful attack.


Published on: 08/13/2024 18:15:27 UTC
Last modified on: 08/24/2024 00:06:45 UTC