CVE-2024-38813 - Critical vCenter Server Privilege Escalation Vulnerability: Details, Exploit, and Mitigation

A notable and dangerous privilege escalation vulnerability, labelled as CVE-2024-38813, has recently been identified within vCenter Server. Exploiting this vulnerability can potentially allow a malicious actor to escalate their privileges to root level simply by sending a specially crafted network packet. This blog post aims to provide an in-depth understanding of the vulnerability, showcase its exploit, and provide essential mitigation steps.

Description of the Vulnerability

vCenter Server, an essential component of VMware's virtualization infrastructure, is affected by a critical privilege escalation vulnerability (CVE-2024-38813). This flaw can potentially enable a malicious actor, possessing network access to vCenter Server, to escalate their privileges to root level through the use of a specially crafted network packet.

Possible Impact

If not adequately mitigated, this vulnerability can give an attacker root-level privileges on the target vCenter Server. This level of compromise can lead to unauthorized access, manipulation, and control over virtualized environments, leading to severe risks for businesses relying on virtualized infrastructure.

The Exploit Details

The exploit for CVE-2024-38813 relies on sending a specifically designed network packet to an exposed vCenter Server. Here's a high-level demonstration of the exploit:

Step 1: Establish network access to the target vCenter Server.

# Example: Connect to the target vCenter Server
nc target_vcenter_server_ip target_vcenter_server_port

Step 2: Craft malicious network packet.

# Exploit code for crafting the network packet goes here

Step 3: Send the specially crafted network packet to the target vCenter Server.

# Example: Sending the network packet
echo "specially_crafted_packet" | nc target_vcenter_server_ip target_vcenter_server_port

Step 4: Verification of the escalated privileges.

# Example: Ensure that the user has root privileges
whoami # Should return 'root'

Additional details regarding this vulnerability can be found in the following official sources

1. VMware vCenter Server Security Advisory:

2. CVE-2024-38813 Vulnerability Details:

Mitigation Steps

To remediate this vulnerability in vCenter Server, it is crucial to apply the following mitigation steps:

1. Update the vCenter Server to the latest version released by VMware. The official documentation provides comprehensive instructions:

2. As best practice, abide by the principle of least privilege in configuring user permissions. Only allow access to essential services when necessary.

3. Enforcing proper network segmentation, as well as implementing strict firewall policies to minimize exposures, can also reduce the chances of an attacker gaining network access to the vCenter Server.


CVE-2024-38813 poses a severe threat to the vCenter Server environments. Users should immediately take necessary precautions, such as updating their vCenter Server instances and adopting essential security practices. Keeping track of new vulnerabilities associated with critical infrastructure components can make the difference between a secure environment and a potentially compromised one.


Published on: 09/17/2024 18:15:04 UTC
Last modified on: 09/20/2024 12:30:51 UTC