CVE-2024-4323: Memory Corruption Vulnerability in Fluent Bit Versions 2..7 to 3..3

A recently discovered vulnerability, tagged as CVE-2024-4323, exposes a critical memory corruption flaw in certain versions of Fluent Bit, a popular open-source data processor and forwarder. Fluent Bit versions 2..7 through 3..3 specifically show susceptibility to this vulnerability, and it could lead to denial-of-service (DoS) situations, information disclosure, or even remote-code execution.

Vulnerability Details

This memory corruption vulnerability centers around Fluent Bit's embedded HTTP server. More specifically, the issue arises when trace requests are parsed, and data stored in memory becomes corrupted. Given that Fluent Bit is commonly employed to process streaming log and event data, such a vulnerability could potentially offer cybercriminals a hefty pay-off.

Exploit Details

An attacker exploiting this vulnerability could provoke a DoS situation by simply submitting malformed trace requests to the HTTP server in question. In the worst-case scenario, a successful exploitation could lead to remote-code execution, offering attackers' access to the targeted system.

The following code snippet demonstrates the memory corruption taking place due to the vulnerable parsing of trace requests:

void parse_trace_request(/* ... */) {
    // ...
    for (i = ; i < num_headers; i++) {
        // ...
        if (memcmp(header[i], "tracemode", 9) == ) {
            if (memcmp(value[i], "basic", 5) == ) {
                trace_info->mode = BASIC;
            } else {
                trace_info->mode = DETAILED;

In the above code, a lack of proper bounds checking may result in memory corruption during the comparison (memcmp) and assignment (mode) process.

Affected Versions

Fluent Bit versions 2..7 through 3..3 are affected by the CVE-2024-4323 vulnerability.


Users of affected Fluent Bit versions should take immediate action and update their software to the latest available version. Patched releases addressing this specific vulnerability include the following:

Original References

- Fluent Bit Github Repository:
- CVE Details:
- NIST National Vulnerability Database:

In Summary

It is vital for Fluent Bit users to be aware of the CVE-2024-4323 vulnerability affecting versions 2..7 to 3..3, as it may lead to significant consequences if exploited. By updating to the latest, patched software version and staying informed about potential threats, users can better protect themselves and their data from cybercriminals seeking to take advantage of such memory corruption vulnerabilities.


Published on: 05/20/2024 12:15:08 UTC
Last modified on: 05/20/2024 13:00:04 UTC