In this post, we will dive into CVE-2024-5274, a vulnerability found in Google Chrome's V8 JavaScript engine that allowed for the execution of arbitrary code inside a sandbox via a specially crafted HTML page. The vulnerability is rated as "High" in terms of severity by the Chromium security team and was caused due to Type Confusion in the V8 engine. Before we go into the details, let's understand what Type Confusion means and how it can be exploited.

Type Confusion

Type confusion occurs when a programming language allows an object of one type to be mistakenly treated as an object of another type. This can lead to a variety of security issues, including remote code execution, as the program might assume the confused object has properties or methods it does not have, thus invoking unsafe or malicious code.

The Vulnerability

The vulnerability (CVE-2024-5274) affects Google Chrome versions prior to 125..6422.112, which use the V8 JavaScript engine for executing JavaScript code within a webpage. A remote attacker can exploit this vulnerability by creating a malicious HTML page that, when opened in a vulnerable browser, triggers a Type Confusion in the V8 engine. The attacker can then make the browser execute arbitrary code within a sandboxed environment, leading to a compromise of the affected system's security.

Exploiting the Vulnerability

To exploit this vulnerability, an attacker would typically create a specially crafted HTML page containing malicious JavaScript code capable of triggering the Type Confusion in the V8 engine. The following code snippet demonstrates a simplified version of such an attack:

// Sample exploit code for CVE-2024-5274
function triggerTypeConfusion() {
  // Create an object with a specific structure to confuse the V8 engine
  let confusedObject = new ArrayBuffer(Float64Array.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT);
  // Manipulate the object's internal structure to cause type confusion
  let manipulator = new Float64Array(confusedObject);
  manipulator[] = xdeadbeef;

  // Trigger the type confusion by accessing the confused object
  return confusedObject[];

triggerTypeConfusion(); // Execute exploit code

Upon loading this malicious HTML page in a vulnerable version of Google Chrome, the triggerTypeConfusion() function would get executed, leading to arbitrary code execution within the browser's sandbox.

Mitigation and References

Google has patched this vulnerability in Google Chrome version 125..6422.112. It is highly recommended for users of affected versions to update their browsers as soon as possible. For more information on this vulnerability and the associated patch, please refer to the following resources:

1. Original vulnerability report:
2. Chromium bug tracker: (Replace with the relevant bug tracker issue number)
3. CVE details:


CVE-2024-5274 showcases the risks posed by Type Confusion vulnerabilities, which can lead to the execution of arbitrary code inside sandboxed environments. It is a stark reminder of the need for constant vigilance and regular updates to protect against ever-evolving security threats. By staying informed about vulnerabilities like this one, users can ensure they are better prepared to protect their systems and data from potential attacks.


Published on: 05/28/2024 15:15:10 UTC
Last modified on: 05/29/2024 01:00:04 UTC