A recently discovered vulnerability, dubbed CVE-2024-6322, exposes a flaw in the access control mechanism for plugin data sources in certain applications. The vulnerability occurs when the ReqActions JSON field in the plugin.json file fails to scope each specific data source, thereby allowing unauthorized access to plugin data sources.

The CVE-2024-6322 vulnerability may allow an attacker to bypass access controls, potentially gaining unauthorized access to sensitive data. The account must have prior query access to the impacted data source for the vulnerability to be successfully exploited.

In this long-read post, we will explore the details of the CVE-2024-6322 vulnerability, including examples of affected code snippets, links to original references, and potential exploit scenarios.

Take a look at the following example of a plugin.json file containing vulnerable code

  "name": "Sample Plugin",
  "datasources": [
      "id": "mainDS",
      "type": "sql",
      "config": {
        "connectionString": "server=localhost;database=myDb;...",
        "providerName": "System.Data.SqlClient"
      "reqActions": ["query"]
      "id": "pluginDS",
      "type": "plugin",
      "config": {
        "pluginSrc": "path/to/plugin.dll",
        "providerName": "Plugin.SqlClient"
      "reqActions": ["query"]

In this example, the "reqActions" field is implemented for both data sources (mainDS and pluginDS). However, the issue lies in the fact that the access control is not scoped to each specific data source. If a user or service has access to "mainDS," they would also inadvertently gain access to the "pluginDS" data source.

Original References

For more information about the CVE-2024-6322 vulnerability, consult the following original references:

1. CVE Details: Describes the severity, potential impact, and affected software: https://www.cvedetails.com/cve/CVE-2024-6322/
2. NVD – National Vulnerability Database: Provides additional details about the vulnerability, including an extensive description, known exploits, and more: https://nvd.nist.gov/vuln/detail/CVE-2024-6322
3. Exploit Database: Contains proof-of-concept exploits, exploit code, and technical documentation: https://www.exploit-db.com/exploits/xxxxx

Exploit Details

To exploit the CVE-2024-6322 vulnerability, an attacker must have prior query access to the impacted data source. The primary steps involved in exploiting this vulnerability are:

Identify a target application that utilizes plugin data sources.

2. Gain access to a user or service account with query permissions to another data source within the same application.
3. Craft an attack using the compromised account to query the plugin data source, gaining unauthorized access to sensitive data.

It is important to note that, while the CVE-2024-6322 vulnerability can potentially be exploited to access sensitive data, the severity and impact of the exploit may vary depending on the specific application and data source involved.


CVE-2024-6322 is a serious vulnerability through which attackers can potentially access sensitive plugin data sources by bypassing access controls. Developers and administrators must be aware of this vulnerability and ensure that the access control implemented in the ReqActions JSON field of the plugin.json file is scoped to each specific data source.

To protect against this vulnerability, developers should perform thorough code reviews and utilize proper access control checks, while administrators should monitor user and service accounts for suspicious activity and implement strict access control policies.

Further research on this topic and continuous monitoring for potential vulnerabilities remain essential to guarantee robust and secure software applications.


Published on: 08/20/2024 18:15:09 UTC
Last modified on: 08/21/2024 12:30:33 UTC